Newroz 2018 Festival in Naples: Mezzocannone Busy concerts, meetings and debates

Tartan Aneuro

The Newroz Festival returns to Naples, at the headquarters of Mezzocannone Occupato, with concerts, meetings and cultural debates!

New edition for the Newroz Festival of Naples which this year will take place from 3 to 14 July 2018 , according to a precise calendar of concerts and shows. The location is Mezzocannone Occupied, in the historic center, and will be an opportunity to participate in live shows of very talented southern artists. The Festival has the artistic direction of the 99 Posse and it is one of the most significant events of the Neapolitan cultural and musical summer.

The reference is the Turkish New Year, called Newroz, and the inspiration for this event, in the years stained with blood due to wars and persecutions, is also a way to revive the spirit and pride of the South.

The program includes the participation of artists such as Tartaglia Aneuro and The Andrè e Valerio Jovine and the second appointment is with the Feast of the tammorra. There will also be cultural meetings and debates.

Program of the Newroz Festival

3th July


"We are the way, we must continue" Territories rebel to the government of the new day.
Speakers: Luigi De Magistris - Sindato di Napoli
Mimmo Lucano - Mayor of Riace
Eleonora de Mao - Activist / city councilor - Naples
Laura Marmorale - Councilor III Municipality - Naples
Tommaso Cacciari - No Grandi Navi Activist - Venice
Amedeo Ciaccheri - President of the VIII municipality - Rome
Egio Spineto - NO TAV activist - Third pass
Francesco Richetto - NO TAV activist / municipal councilor
Roberto Nardone - Aicesindaco San Vito Chietino
Andrea Catenaro - Councilor - San Vito Chietino
Moderate: Gaia Bozza
Photographic exhibition curated by Stefano di Stasio: rights at the border (photographs from Idomeni)
Following live set Picciotto & Gente Strana Posse

4th July


"The sails explained: urban regeneration in the northern suburbs of Naples".
Sails Committee of Scampia
Walter de Majo - Producer of the film "La Chimera"
Carmine Piscop - Municipal Town Planning Councilor of Naples
Enrico Panini - Councilor for the municipal budget of Naples
Ciro Borriello - Councilor for the municipal heritage of Naples
Rosario Andreozzi - Municipal Councilor of Naples
Maria de Marco - Councilor VIII municiality of Naples
Photographic exhibitions curated by Pino Guerra & Nicola della Volpe
Screening of images taken from the film "La Chimera"
Social dinner: fried pizza
Following: the night of the tammorra

5th July


Galera de Rua & Lido Casapanza

6th July


Ivan Granatino & Jovine full band

7th July


open act EX to follow Enzo Savastano, International Trash Rebel

13th July


Tartaglia Aneuro and The Andrè

open act: Commandos Fam to follow Torreggae & Ganjafarm

14th July


open act: Commandos Fam to follow Torreggae & Ganjafarm

Information on the Newroz Festival

When: from 3 to 14 July 2018, various appointments

Where: courtyard of Mezzocannone Occupato, via Mezzocannone 14

Working time: events at 18.00 and 22.00


  • 6,7,13 and 14 July: 5 euro
  • 4 and 5 July: free admission

Contacts: Facebook page

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