Walks of Change in Naples: 6 free guided tours on the theme of eco-sustainability

Green Italia Campania organizes 6 free guided tours in Naples that will wind up for two months to discover the city!
A new interesting initiative will start in the month of March and will allow us to get to know some of the places better Napoli with well- 6 free guided tours in the city.
This is a project organized by the Green Europe Campania Ecology Group Europa Napoli and will develop in 6 itineraries, each of which will address a different theme onenvironmental sustainability. Each walk will be led by an expert guide in eco-sustainability who will try to convey to visitors the importance of the topic addressed and the desire to discover places in Naples that we do not yet know in depth.
It will be a program that will focus on green economy, the environment, the quality of life, the landscapes, sustainable tourism, but also on culture and on historical and artistic heritage of the city.
Program free guided tours
6 March
11.00 hours
The system of the Hill of San Martino with a look on the bay of the metropolis. Leads Guido Liotti, participated planning expert.
Appointment in Piazzale San Martino.
13 March
11.00 hours
Pedestrian promenade, the return to the future: from Toledo station to via Partenope. He leads Enzo Russo, mobility manager.
Appointment to the Toledo metro station.
19 March
10.30 hours
From Piazza Vanvitelli to Piazza Medaglie d'Oro. Leads Rocco Lafratta, environmental geologist.
Appointment in Piazza Vanvitelli, near the kiosk.
3th April
11.00 hours
The metropolitan area and the burning side of West Naples. He leads Francesco Escalona, a territorialist architect. Appointment at the entrance of the Virgilian park.
10th April
11.00 hours
Good tourism for a good quality of life: the triangle of culture in the San Carlo district at the Arena. From via Foria to the Moiariello di Capodimonte. He leads Carmine Maturo, expert in sustainable and responsible tourism.
17th April
11.00 hours
Urban Green and hydrogeological risk, from Piazza Amedeo to the Riviera di Chiaia. Leads Rocco Lafratta, environmental geologist.
Appointment at the entrance of the Piazza Amedeo underground.
Information on Walks of Change
When: various appointments from the 6 March to the 17 April 2016
Info and contacts: greenitalia.campania@gmail.com