Why isn't Terra Amara on air? Stop 24 and 25 April

bitter land

Bitter news for fans of the Turkish soap opera Terra Amara, apparently Mediaset has plans to suspend its publication due to the long weekend of April 25th. A lot of bitterness among the fans, but the motivation for the strike could also be in the snake's attempt to "extend" the duration of the fiction, in fact, as we know, the soap opera has already finished in Türkiye and the number of episodes is therefore well defined.

What are the days off for Terra Amara

Due to the changes to the Canale 5 schedule, viewers of Terra amara will have to deal with one two day break in the broadcast of the series. The soap opera will not air Monday 24th April and Tuesday 25th April, to then resume regularly in its usual location.

Lr fan reactions to the suspension of bitter land

Many fans of the Turkish series, which manages to reach nearly three million viewers and over 27% share, they showed themselves disgruntled for Mediaset's decision to stop broadcasting Terra amara.

Some wonder why only the Turkish soap was suspended, while Beautiful will continue to air also during the long weekend of April 25th.

As already mentioned, in all likelihood there is Mediaset's intention to increase the life of the series since it has already finished in Turkey. We recall, in fact, that the snake has already divided the episodes in half, reducing their duration to about 45 minutes.

Channel 5 schedule, other changes during April 25th

In addition to Terra amara, also the program Men and women di Maria De Filippi subirà delle variazioni nella programmazione a causa del ponte del 25 aprile.
In contrast, the daily strips of the daytime of Amici 22 and The Island of the famous 2023 will continue to air regularly at 16: 10 and at 16: 40 on the flagship network.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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