Why Easter eggs are weighed in supermarkets. Is it possible?

Easter approaches and in supermarkets one breaks out treasure hunt 2.0. People are weighing le Easter eggsyes, you understood correctly. It all comes from a new trend launched by TikTok.
Why has the "fashion" of weighing Easter eggs started in supermarkets?
Find out which one before purchasing gadgets is he hiding inside a chocolate egg? Thanks to TikTok, now it's possible. THE video tutorial that explain how to do it have gone viral.
The practice, a mix of cunning and curiosity, does not make me smile supermarket managers. Signs reading “No weighing of Easter eggs” appeared everywhere. But who can stop the desire to discover if inside that egg there isThun bear o Goku?
Can the supermarket prohibit me from weighing them?
Well yes, i supermarkets they may tell you not to use their scales for yours Easter eggs. There's no law explicitly against it, but if a sign says no, technically you should listen to it.
But here's the truth: if you are determined enough to bring a scale from home with you, as the always informed spread Maximilian Dona, who's stopping you? This is the age of creativity and ingenuity. The desire to discover the surprise ahead of its time demonstrates that tradition can always evolve.
But then how do I weigh them?
Faced with the ban, the watchword is ingenuity. If you cannot use the scales of supermarket, No problem. The idea of bringing a scale from home is spread by influencer Massimiliano Dona.