Iodine pills and nuclear risk: what they are for, when to use them and contraindications

Iodine pills
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Lately, due to the war in Ukraine started by Russia that is invading the country, there is always talk of more than one possible nuclear risk between the warring parties and beyond.

It is feared that soon the bombing targets may be nuclear power plants: if we think about what happened at the Zaporizhzhia power plant, attacked on March 4 by the Russians (even if some later reconstructions spoke of Ukrainian sabotage), we can understand the concern of this period. Recall that there has been no damage such as to cause a radiation leak, but public opinion remains intimidated, especially if you also think about the recent past with what happened in Chernobyl.

The rush for iodine pills

For these reasons many people in some countries have thought of rush to stock up on iodine, rushing to the pharmacy to buy tablets to protect themselves from radiation.

The nations where this hoarding race is most heated are Belgium e Holland. In Italy it has not yet reached this point and the stocks of iodine supplements are still high (we will explain the difference with drugs below), but there is a risk that, with the circulation of news, the population may be alarmed.

But it is one reasoned and right choice? At the moment the answer is DO NOT and let's see why.


What iodine pills are for

Before going into the reasons that currently advise against buying iodine tablets, let's explain because just these pills they serve to protect themselves from some risks due to nuclear power.

I iodine-based drugs they help reduce the build-up of radioactive substances in the thyroid, but should be used wisely. As explained in detail on the website of the National Institute of Health:

  • during a nuclear accident he could be released radioactive iodine that contaminates the environment;
  • if we breathe contaminated air or we eat contaminated food, we expose our body to the absorption of radioactive iodine;
  • it is above all the thyroid to absorb most of this iodine bad;
  • in fact, remember that the thyroid is one gland which uses iodine to produce the hormones necessary for metabolism and other functions, but unfortunately does not distinguish between stable iodine and radioactive iodine.

Here's why pills that contain stable iodine:

  • serve a block the absorption of radioactive iodine;
  • therefore, if ingested before or at the very beginning of radiation exposure, cause the thyroid to absorb only stable iodine which will have saturated the thyroid gland without making it absorb more iodine (ie the radioactive one, in fact);
  • in essence, "satiety”The thyroid with iodine good prevent it from absorbing that bad.

But really currently serves to ingest these pills for preventive purposes? The answer is DO NOT.

What are the contraindications of a wrong intake

Taking such pills without proper advice from the authorities can also pose serious health risks:

  • iodine can be toxic for some people, for example for those over 40 who suffer from goiter o hyperthyroidism;
  • you can run into dysfunctions of the thyroid gland or autoimmune diseases;
  • you can have skin rashes, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, among other things.

What are the differences between iodine supplements and medications? Which should be used?

As you may have noticed, we have always talked about drugs and not supplements. In fact, one must also do one difference between supplements and drugs because often one does not distinguish between the two.

Iodine-based supplements

Recall that supplements are used for integrate a low-sodium diet, therefore low in sodium. Although the Mediterranean diet, the one we generally follow, if followed correctly is hardly low in sodium.

Here is some useful information:

  • you can buy them at the pharmacy without a prescription;
  • they are indicated only in documented cases where there is iodine deficiency.

Potassium iodide drugs

As our title says, these are drugs and not simple supplements, so they can be dangerous if not taken correctly and without the directions of a doctor. For example, they are also used for the treatment of hyperthyroidism and the dosage should be defined carefully with your doctor.

Such drugs:

  • they are the tablets used in case of nuclear risk, so we are not talking about simple supplements;
  • they have dosages that are even 700-1.000 times higher than supplements;
  • they are sold only with a prescription;
  • they cannot be purchased except with the onset of risk conditions.

Iodine pills do not serve preventive purposes

Many people believe they are useful to preventive purpose to protect themselves from radiation, but experts are doing their utmost to explain that it is not so.

For example, lBelgian Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (in Belgium the population is very afraid of the nuclear risk) promptly intervened to explain that:

  • the pills they should not be taken for preventive purposes;
  • but above all they must be taken only following the indications from the authorities.

Therefore, we reiterate that:

  • soil if you are exposed to radioactive iodine you need to take iodine pills;
  • must be taken soil following the indications of the competent authorities;
  • Furthermore, NOT they protect against other radioactive substances emanating from a possible nuclear accident such as cesium-137, polonium-210, strontium-90, plutonium, uranium and neptunium. 

Expert recommendations

We also read the words of Marcello Bagnasco, president of the Italian Thyroid Association (Ait) and specialist in endocrinology, nuclear medicine and clinical immunology, who stated:

if they are self-employed e without doctor's advice, there may be an excess of this element which can result side effects such as, for example, an increase in the incidence of autoimmune diseases. In individuals with hypothyroidism, there may be more sensitive undesirable consequences. Uncontrolled use should be avoided on the basis of the principle that "you never know". They are forms of psychosis that can do damage. There is no indication on taking supplements or pills that contain iodine except in special circumstances, for example in anticipation of some thyroid surgery or in pregnancy or in those who follow a particularly restrictive diet. It is even more useless to add iodine in people who have had their thyroid removed.


Also Gianluca Aimaretti, Full Professor at the University of Eastern Piedmont and President-elect of the Italian Society of Endocrinology, specified that “rushing to buy iodine-based supplements is useless. On the contrary: it can be harmful”Reiterating that this is the opinion of the entire scientific community.

We are not faced with the nuclear risk

We recall that we are currently not facing any nuclear risk and no country has issued such an alert. We must not be alarmed or taken rash decisions which can even be harmful.

The Belgian Federal Agency for Nuclear Control has also specified that thecurrent situation in Ukraine does not require the use of iodine tablets.

If it were really so, and therefore there was a nuclear risk, authorities would strongly advise buying iodine tablets and would begin to issue notices to the entire population with precise guidelines on how to buy them and how to hire them.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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