Porta San Gennaro in Naples, the fresco by Mattia Preti has been restored and unveiled

Fresco Mattia Preti on the Porta San Gennaro

The beautiful seventeenth-century fresco on the Porta San Gennaro in Naples has been restored!

Today, May 19, 2021, is The restoration of the beautiful 600th century fresco by Mattia Preti has finally been unveiled which is located on the Porta San Gennaro in Naples, a work that has been redeveloped in many months and which shows citizens and tourists the wonder of the whole monument.

The presentation was made in the presence of the Mayor of Naples Luigi De Magistris with the Councilor for Education, Culture and Tourism Annamaria Palmieri, with Luigi La Rocca Superintendent for Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Municipality of Naples, with Giampiero Perrella President of the IV Municipality and with Nino Daniele, the promoter of the initiative

The restoration was the result of a long and intense work started in September 2019 and which saw the collaboration of public and private operators which had the aim of enhancing this fundamental part of the artistic and historical heritage of our city.

The fresco by Mattia Presti on the Porta San Gennaro

The painting suffered huge damage during the earthquake of 1688, about 30 years after its realization. Towards the middle of the eighteenth century it continued to pour in very bad conditions and, only at the end of800, the decision was made to restore it by covering it with a particular compound made with egg white and whey which, however, together with the particulate matter of the atmosphere, made everything completely unreadable. One of the last recent restorations dates back to 90s of the last century, but the fresco, already after 3 decades, was again damaged due to pollution.

Today, finally, he returns to his old splendor and the Friends of Naples Association will continue to protect it by taking care of maintenance.

Guided tours of the Porta San Gennaro

For the occasion, some guided tours in Borgo Sanità up to Porta San Gennaro.

Photo source: Friends of Naples

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