Eggplant in oil recipe, ingredients, steps and advice

The recipe for preparing aubergines in oil and storing them in jars for several months

Le aubergines in oil they are one of the most widespread dishes in Neapolitan cuisine.

In fact, in addition to imbarattolare fruit and vegetables to preserve and use them for many months (for reasons of seasonality), we Neapolitans are very good in the art of preparing aubergines in oil.

To become experts in this preparation, you will not have to do anything but follow passaggi that we propose in this recipe.

These are the same operations for all types of preserves and, therefore, you can follow even if you want to keep other foods and then eat them when you prefer.

Preparation times for aubergines in oil


  • 1 kg of aubergines (possibly with few seeds)
  • 250 ml white wine vinegar
  • 250 ml water
  • 100 gr coarse salt
  • 200-250 ml olive oil
  • oregano and to the qs

We prepare the aubergines

After having peeled all the vegetables well, let's get thin slices (or sticks, if you prefer) and put them to drain the excess water contained in them, dusting them with coarse salt. In doing so, let's press them into a colander from which the water will come out.

Cook the aubergines and let them dry

We place a large pot on the fire containing the water and vinegar to boil and immerse the aubergines. Let them cook for at least 7-8 min and drain them. Boiled vegetables (especially porous vegetables such as aubergines and mushrooms) absorb a lot of water, so they will need to be put to dry on cloths after having slightly squeezed them.

After a day of drying it will be time to put them in the jar, alternating layers of vegetables with the seasoning (oregano and garlic), wetting everything with the oil that will have to cover the contents of the jar up to 2 cm from the rim. To eliminate all the air contained between the layers of vegetables, it is customary to leave the freshly filled jars for at least two hours without a lid.

We sterilize the jars

For safety, in case you want to keep the jars for a long time, you could proceed with their own vacuum. You will have to immerse them, for 12 minutes, in a large pot with boiling water covering them up to the level of the cap. Then, place them in a dry place, free from sources of heat and possibly in the dark. It is the most suitable preservation method and will be ready to be consumed after about 3 weeks from tampering.

Notes from the cook

This method of storing the aubergines can be used for any vegetables that lend themselves well to cooking in water and vinegar and, of course, the condiments can vary in a thousand shades.

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Written by Nadia Portuguese
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