Train strike 19 and 20 October, stop times and guarantee periods

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The staff of the Italian FS Group prepares for one event of strength in the form of strike national. Confirmed through a press release from Ferrovie dello Stato, this union act promises to shake things up in the world of rail transport.

The strike could also involve trains Subway 2 Line of Naples, being the same managed by state Railways.

Below, all the essential information to orient yourself in this intricate scenario.

The strike times

Il countdown it started. Starting from 21pm on Thursday 00 October, the staff participating in the strike will fold their arms. This suspension of service will last until 21pm on Friday 00th October.

A time interval that will require careful reconsideration of travel plans.

The guaranteed bands

But this is not the time to panic. The Fs Italiane Group has outlined some guaranteed service time corridors. In practice, on weekdays, from 6 to 9 in the morning and from 18 to 21 in the evening, the trains will continue to travel their routes.

It is important, however, to take into account that service alterations may occur outside these time slots.

CategoryDescriptionWorking hours:
Start of StrikeMoment at which the suspension of train service begins21pm, Thursday 00 October
End of strikeEnd of suspension of train service21pm, Friday 00 October
Guaranteed Morning BandsTimes in which a minimum service is guaranteed during the morning6:00 – 9:00, Weekdays
Sera Guaranteed BandsTimes in which a minimum service is guaranteed during the evening18:00 – 21:00, Weekdays

Where to find information and assistance

In a sea of ​​questions, here are the life buoys: various information and assistance channels will be operational. Whether it is information offices or ticket offices, qualified staff will be available to provide clarifications.

Alternatively, the call center on 800 89 20 21 represents a further tool available for those seeking updated information.

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