Strike Trenitalia and Italo also in Naples and Campania the 17 and 18 March 2016

Trenitalia and Italo strike in Naples and Campania in March 2016
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Strike of 24 hours of Trenitalia and Italo staff including Naples and Campania

The strike on the entire railway line of Trenitalia and Italo it will also involve the means a Naples and Campania the 17 and the 18 March 2016. To cross the arms, therefore, both the employees of Ferrovie dello Stato and Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori that includes Italo.

The strike will last 24 hours, starting at 21.00 hours of the 17 March to end at 21.00 hours of the 18 March. The Cub Trasporti and SGB unions called for it, joining the general strike of all categories.

To reduce the inconvenience to all travelers, both the companies guarantee a series of trains that will leave the same in precise times, publishing it on their sites. Italo has released the list of all trains that will leave despite the strike, while Trenitalia gives the opportunity to know the departures always guaranteed during a strike. On the site, you can consult the safe departures in Campania.

Recall that for the commuters of Naples and surroundings there will be a further discomfort in the week, due to the EAV strike of the 18 March and the ANM strike.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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