Discounts at the Sofia Cinema in Pozzuoli: for citizens of Bacoli tickets to 5 €

Discounts at the Sofia Cinema for the citizens of Bacoli
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The citizens of Bacoli will be able to go to the Cinema Sofia in Pozzuoli with discounted tickets!

Good news for i citizens of the Municipality of Bacoli: from March to November 2016 Cinema Sofia in Pozzuoli will offer to all the cinephiles tickets at discounted prices.

The initiative is due to an agreement between the Bacoli municipal council and the multiplex and is part of the broader campaign of the Tourism and Cultural Heritage service aimed at encourage the use of recreational activities such as theater and cinema.

The set price is that of 5 € for each projection. The discount on tickets will be valid on holidays, pre-holidays and weekdays, excluding films in 3D. The Municipality of Bacoli is responsible for providing citizens with the nominative cards needed to take advantage of the discounts, while Cinema Sofia will send the Municipality the posters of the films to be advertised.

The multiplex still retains the right to exclude 4 films from the agreement, an exclusion that will be advertised on the posters of the cinema programming posted in the ticket office hall. For more information e to issue the appropriate card contact the Tourism Services offices located at the Villa Cerillo facility.

Information on discounts at the Sofia cinema

When: from March to November 2016, every day, holidays and holidays
Price: 5 € all films (excluding films in 3D)

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Written by Laura Keys
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