Planet Earth Week in Campania: events to celebrate Nature

Pausilypon Archaeological Park
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From the 3 10 October 2021 we will celebrate Planet Earth Week throughout Italy, including the Region Campania, with a series of events that will transform our country into a great geological laboratory.

From north to south you will take part in very interesting initiatives such as the search for cetaceans where there is no longer the sea, walks in the footsteps of dinosaurs, excursions to incredible caves and much more. These are all initiatives that aim to get closer to our Earth, which we must protect and protect, and which lead us to discovery of the varied geological and environmental heritage of the boot.

Earth Week aims to create greater attention and curiosity about the relationship between nature and man and the scheduled events increase our awareness of the importance of interactions with the environment around us.

Campania will participate with some truly suggestive events, a series of "geoevents" not to be missed.

The program in Campania

Geology and Archeology: the Seiano Cave and the Pausilypon Archaeological Park

The Grotta di Seiano and the Archaeological Park of Pausilypon are two incredible places where guided tours will be carried out in a truly suggestive naturalistic and archaeological context. The Gaiola Marine Protected Area is also associated with the Pausilypon Archaeological Park, which is a continuation of the archaeological area.

When: 6 October
Where: Pausilypon Archaeological Park, Descent Coroglio 36, Naples
Working time: 9.30-11.30 and 11.30-13.30
Price: free, with reservations required by 27 September
Contacts and reservations: Angela Gargano and Emma Buondonno - 3392999223 - 3284373957 | - ​​

Archeology and Volcanology at the excavations of Herculaneum: devastation and charm of a quiet and refined residential town, hit by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD.

A beautiful event that refers to a project relating to a geo-archaeological day on the slopes of Vesuvius. It starts with a seminar on the eruptive history of the volcano and the effects it had after the eruption of 79 AD. We will totally immerse ourselves in the history of the Vesuvian, traveling back in time for thousands of years.
Following will be the trekking in the Excavations and in the Domus.

When: 9 October
Where: Archaeological Park of Herculaneum, Corso Resina 187, Ercolano (NA)
Working time: 9.00-14.00
Price: 13 euros, reservations required by 2 October. Ticket office information: 081 7777008
Contacts: Giuliana Alessio - 39 339 6545655 |

We create with Nature

At the end of the competition there will be the conference of Prof. Filippo Barattolo, entitled “Suetonius (Aug., 72, 3), Capri and the Quisisana”, during which the winners will be announced.

When: 3 from October to 10
Where: Caprense Ignazio Cerio Center, Piazzetta Cerio 5, Capri (NA)
Working time: 10.00, lasts 1 hour
Price: free, no registration required
Contacts: Maria Pietropaolo - 0818376681 | | Caprense Center

Information on the Planet Earth Week


3 from October to 10 2021


  • Pausilypon Archaeological Park in Naples
  • Caprense Center in Capri
  • Archaeological excavations of Ercolano

Contacts and info

Planet Earth Week

  • Where: Campania
  • When: from Sunday 03 October 2021 to Sunday 10 October 2021
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