Stefano Benni at the Feltrinelli in Naples to present the new novel Prendiluna

The writer Stefano Benni presents his book Prendiluna at the Feltrinelli in Naples in a free meeting
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At the Feltrinelli in Naples Stefano Benni will present in a free meeting his latest novel entitled Prendiluna.

The 20 day on June 2017 Stefano Benni will present his new novel called Prendiluna in un free meeting at the Feltrinelli in Naples.

The Italian writer and playwright, already the author of very famous novels such as Bar Sport, Elianto, Earth! and The Company of the Celestines, will drag the audience into the dreamlike world, farcical and unpredictable taken from his book Prendiluna, populated by magical characters, comedians and cruel like Dolcino the heretic and Michele the archangel who will intertwine with strange sects and the forgotten in a fairy tale and overwhelming in which the reader will never know if the setting is in a Matrioska nightmare, in the delirium of a madman or in the cruel reality of our times.

Benni's meeting it will take place on its national tour for the presentation of the book that will touch the main Italian cities but it will not be the only important June meeting for Feltrinelli in Naples. In fact, at Feltrinelli in Piazza Garibaldi, there will be a meeting-presentation of the new album by Francesco Gabbani.

Information on the meeting with Stefano Benni

When: June 20 2017

Where: Feltrinelli, Via Santa Caterina in Chiaia, 23 ang. Piazza dei Martiri

Working hours:: from the 18: 30

Price: free entry

Contacts: Facebook event

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Written by Federica Guide
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