Car accidents in Campania

The latest updates
Maxi accident on the A1 Milano Napoli, queues, alternative roads and situation
How to move in Naples

Maxi accident on the A1 Milano Napoli, queues, alternative roads and situation

August 12 2023

Tragedy in the Avellino area, an elderly couple hit while crossing

Tragedy in the Avellino area, an elderly couple hit while crossing

August 12 2023

Accident Galleria Caserta, dead vigilante arrested 24 year old driving

Accident Galleria Caserta, dead vigilante arrested 24 year old driving

August 11 2023

Scooter accident in Pozzuoli: 15-year-old dies, his girlfriend is serious

Scooter accident in Pozzuoli: 15-year-old dies, his girlfriend is serious

November 14, 2022

Accident in Castel San Giorgio, two 20-year-old cousins ​​die a few hours apart

Accident in Castel San Giorgio, two 20-year-old cousins ​​die a few hours apart

October 28, 2022

Francesco Valdiserri, run over by a pirate car. Totti's condolences

Francesco Valdiserri, run over by a pirate car. Totti's condolences

October 21, 2022