archaeological park of pausilypon

The latest updates
Sunsets of Summer 2016 at the Pausilypon Park with evening walks at the Imperial Villa

Sunsets of Summer 2016 at the Pausilypon Park with evening walks at the Imperial Villa

02 September 2016

What to do in Naples during the weekend from 3 to 5 June 2016 | 13 tips

What to do in Naples during the weekend from 3 to 5 June 2016 | 13 tips

Published on June 03, 2016

What to do in Naples during the weekend from 27 to 29 May 2016 | 10 tips

What to do in Naples during the weekend from 27 to 29 May 2016 | 10 tips

Published on 27 May 2016

Suggestions at dusk 2016 at the Pausilypon Park: music and theater at sunset

Suggestions at dusk 2016 at the Pausilypon Park: music and theater at sunset

Published on 23 May 2016

Napoli Teatro Festival 2016, the complete program of the ninth edition of the theatrical kermesse

Napoli Teatro Festival 2016, the complete program of the ninth edition of the theatrical kermesse

May 06, 2016

Spring at Gaiola 2016: events and guided tours in the marine area and Pausilypon Park

Spring at Gaiola 2016: events and guided tours in the marine area and Pausilypon Park

Published on 28 April 2016

PausilYoga in Naples: yoga classes in the suggestive Archaeological Park of Pausilypon

PausilYoga in Naples: yoga classes in the suggestive Archaeological Park of Pausilypon

Published on 29 February 2016

Summer sunsets, evening walks in the Pausilypon park
Summer in Naples

Summer sunsets, evening walks in the Pausilypon park

July 09 2015

Valentine's Day Naples 2014 | Alla Gaiola kayak tour of the submerged park

Valentine's Day Naples 2014 | Alla Gaiola kayak tour of the submerged park

Published on 10 February 2014

Valentine's Day Naples 2014 | Alla Gaiola kayak tour of the submerged park

Valentine's Day Naples 2014 | Alla Gaiola kayak tour of the submerged park

Published on 10 February 2014

Concerts in Naples

Naples, concerts "Pausilypon, suggestions at dusk" May and June 2013

Published on 06 May 2013