Terra Amara Turkish advances, Mujgan pregnant by Yilmaz?

Mujgan Bitter Earth
Image source: Facebook profile @Terra Amara

Big twists, based on advances that come to us from Türkiye, in the next episodes of Bitter land. During a discussion, Mujgan will inform Yilmaz that she is pregnant. The man will be baffled why there is no possibility that he is the father since the two have not had relations for months.

However, Mujgan's explanation will come soon and will only increase Akkaya's perplexities. Zuleyha will be shocked by the news of the pregnancy and will take it out on her ex-boyfriend.

Zuleyha close to Demir, Yilmaz jealous

In the next episodes of Terra Amara, Zuleyha will realize that she really has feelings for Demir and, because of this, she will grow closer and closer to him (both physically and emotionally). Given this closeness, Yilmaz will have a discussion with Altun and will reiterate that he, on the other hand, he would be ready to even leave his son for her.

Mujgan will randomly listen the discussion between the two ex-boyfriends and will understand that even Kerem Ali would not keep Yilmaz from running away with the woman he loves. Impossible, therefore, to use it to keep the man tied to himself. The doctor will decide, therefore, of concoct a plan to hurt Zuleyha again deep inside.

Mujgan announces pregnancy, Yilmaz doesn't believe her

When Zuleyha will go to the pharmacy to collect some medicines, Mujgan will follow her carrying a certificate confirming her status as a pregnant woman. Talking to the pharmacist, so that Altun hears her, he will say that Kerem Ali will soon have a little brother or sister. Zuleyha will be dumbfounded and will want to speak to Yilmaz right away.

The woman will go, then, to talk to Akkaya and he will communicate that his wife is pregnant scolding him because he had just before reproached his closeness to Demir. Yilmaz, shocked, will rush home because he will absolutely want to confront Mujgan.

The woman she will confirm to him that she is pregnant ma Yilmaz will have no doubts. The baby that will arrive it can't be his since there has been no relationship between the two for months. There Mujgan's explanation will be that the conception occurred one night when the two, with him drunk after an event, they would made love.

If for Fekeli and Behice the doctor's version will be much more than plausible, it will not be so for Yilmaz is will continue to disbelieve that the wife carries her child in her womb. How will it end? Is Mujgan really pregnant or will she really be part of yet another diabolical plan?

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Written by Patricia Maimone
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