Men and Women, advances 11 April. Armando and Nicole

Armando Men and Women
Image source: IG Men and Women

The popular dating show Men and women get back on the air after the Easter break, with new stories and developments that concern the protagonists of the program, both of the classic throne and of the Over throne. Let's find out what awaits us in the living room of Maria DeFilippi.

The appointment is set for today, Tuesday 11 April, at 14.45 pm on Canale 5!

Armando Incarnato under attack

In the episode recorded before Easter and broadcast today, the throne Over will be the center of attention, with Armando Incarnato as the main protagonist. The controversial character will be attacked by several cast members, including Aurora Tropea, Richard Guarnieri and Gianni Sperti, who suspect Armando has a manager outside the studio. We recall that just recently we spoke of the man who is let go to tears.

New for Paula Ruocco and Nicole's throne

In the throne Over, Paula Ruocco rwill receive the attention of a new suitor and will decide to get to know him better. Meanwhile, the bet could also focus on throne of Nicole Santinelli, the new tronista at the beginning of its journey. It is rumored that Andrew Foriglio, one of her suitors, left Nicole a note during a dance, casting doubts on her sincerity. Despite her justifications, no one seems to believe the tronista.

Cristian eliminates himself from the program

To further complicate the situation, Cristian, another suitor of Nicole who is believed to be sincere and loyal, has decided to self-eliminate from the dating show. Her return is uncertain, and Nicole's future throne remains shrouded in mystery.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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