Valerio Scanu meets the fans at the Auchan in Naples for the firmacopie

Valerio Scanu at the Auchan in Naples

Valerio Scanu will meet the public at Auchan will issue autographs to fans!

THE8 March 2016, the beloved singer Valerio Scanu will meet fans at the Auchan Shopping Center of Naples.

On the day of the women's day, the artist will dedicate herself to her admirers signing copies of his last cd, making himself available to take pictures and performing in some of his most famous songs.

Scanu is one of the most beloved singers in Italy, whose career, over time, has taken a clear takeoff thanks to the beautiful voice and the emotional force that the young man manages to convey to the public.

And in fact there are many experiences that have marked his artistic maturation over the years, such as the debut at the talent show "Amici" by Maria De Filippi, the victory at Sanremo 2010, the participation in numerous television programs, the many concerts and the success achieved this year on the stage of the Ariston with the song "Finalmente Piove".

An unmissable opportunity to spend a pleasant afternoon in the company of great music and feelings. These features make Valerio Scanu a unique artist of its kind.

Information on Valerio Scanu all'Auchan

When: 8 March 2016
Where: Auchan Shopping Center Naples, via Argine 380
Working time: 17:30

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