Noos, new program by Alberto Angela (heir of SuperQuark)

Alberto Angela and his father Piero Angela

The renowned science popularizer, Alberto Angela, walks the path traced by his father, Piero Angelain the field of scientific dissemination.

Through an open letter, also circulated on Facebook, Alberto announced the birth of an unprecedented television program, which collects the legacy of SuperQuarks, but without repeating the same title. The new transmission stands out with a completely new name: noos. This term reveals a double meaning, imbued with science and affection.

It was not an easy choice for Alberto Angela: the weight of responsibility and the comparisons with the father influenced the decision. But thanks to his thirty years of experience in the television industry and numerous talented collaborators, he decided to take up the challenge and carry on the project. Optimism was a determining factor in overcoming fears and doubts.

A new name for the program: Noos

The new program it will not be called SuperQuark, as that name belongs and will remain forever linked to Piero Angela. Alberto Angela asked Rai to withdraw the name as a symbolic gesture for honor the memory of the father. The name chosen by the son of art is "Noos":

“So I thought about what was the most suitable name and the solution came to my mind fondly remembering a detail of the program Journey to the Cosmos, which we created together with my father in 1998.

In that show, my father traveled between planets and the cosmos in a spaceship. That spaceship He was called noos. Archaic form of term “nous”, this word in ancient Greek had different nuances of meaning but, substantially, meant “intellect”.”

The SuperQuark tradition

While changing the name, the new program will keep the SuperQuark tradition. The goal is to make people feel viewers at home, as was the case with the original program. There will be some changes, such as the expansion of temi treated: archeology, geopolitics, anthropology and psychology they will be addressed in addition to the scientific dissemination typical of SuperQuark.

Three reasons to continue disclosure

Alberto Angela has identified three main reasons which prompted him to create the new project:

  1. Do not interrupt the course traced by Piero Angela in the field of scientific and cultural dissemination.
  2. Ensure the presence of a prime-time science outreach program on the flagship public television network.
  3. Inspire new generations to follow the path of knowledge and innovation.

A program for the new generations

The new programme, to be broadcast next summer, aims to be a point of reference for the new generations, offering them the tools to think and decide their own future. Alberto Angela takes the fallen torch and carries it forward for the new generations, so that the journey of knowledge never stop.

When will Alberto Angela's Noos air

The new programme, which follows in the footsteps of his father Piero Angela's Super Quark, takes the name of Noos and should be broadcast during summer 2023 on Rai 1. There is no date yet.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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