ANM in Naples, posters appear "Neither with Putin nor with NATO": it is controversy from the top

ANM anti-war posters
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As we also know Napoli and his citizenship stands siding against the war in Ukraine, with various demonstrations and initiatives of solidarity, yet this time we want to talk to you about a episode that has generated several controversies.

It is a few posters who have been posted on ANM buses, on the walls of metro line 1 stations and at some terminals of these means of transport. They are written that read anti-war slogans such as "Stop military spending"and "No to war". In addition, there is also the inscription "Neither with Putin nor with NATO".

The reaction of the ANM leaders

The company did not like this initiative of its employees also for the choice of the image used on the posters with a phosphorescent green background. There is the face of a suffering girl for war and looking up.

The ANM leaders said that these billboards are completely abusive and have not even passed through the dealership which generally deals with these advertising spaces on the company's media.

The order to remove the posters

The immediate decision was to order the removal of abusive posters from buses, metro stations and wherever they have been posted. A cleaning company will take care of this and will have to remove the posters as much as possible.

Solidarity with the Ukrainian people

After ordering the removal of these posters, ANM also expressed its solidarity with the people of Ukraine that it is suffering the terrible consequences of this war that has lasted for more than a week and that it is not known how long it will last.

Furthermore, the ANM expressed its support for the Italian government and Europe.

Photo source: Corriere del Mezzogiorno

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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