Dancing with the Stars 2022: when the first episode begins

dancing with the stars cast actor no vax

Everything is ready for the first episode of Dancing with the Stars 2022, which on Saturday 8 October 2022 will bring the dance (and the gossip) back to the Rai Uno track. Here's what we'll see in the first episode.

Winning team of do not change (except for Raymond Todaro, Which has left the program to join "Friends") to Milly Carlucci he knows this well, since, also for Dancing with the Stars 2022, will be able to count on his own exceptional jurors, or Wild Lucarelli, Fabio Canino, Ivan Zazzaroni, Guillermo Mariotto e Carolyn Smith.

Instead, there are many news regarding the cast, which in addition to Gabriel Garko, will see VAT Zanicchi, Paula Barale, the beautiful Alexander Egger, Enrico Montesano, the actor turned sworn enemy of Wild Lucarelli because of his no vax theories, and many others.

Dancing with the Stars 2022: what we will see in the first episode

In first installment of Dancing with the Stars, which will air tomorrow Saturday 8 October 2022, there will be the presentation of all competitors and, to follow, the first dance rehearsals with the teachers.

Needless to say, all eyes are on an exceptional participant: Lorenzo Biagiarelli, companion of the feared Wild Lucarelli.

How will he cope in front of his partner's eyes? Will her dancing skills be enough to save him from the relentless judgment of the juror? As the French would say, "Affaire à suivre"...

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Image credits: Instagram profile Dancing with the Stars (@dancing with the Stars)
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Written by Frances Orelli
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