Scandal at the GF VIP, Giovanni Ciacci accused of sexual harassment

Discussion at the GF VIP between Ciacci and Manfuso

This is certainly not a good time for Giovanni Ciacci, eliminated a few days ago from the house of the GF VIP because of the attitudes of Bullying reserved, by most of the reality contestants, to Marco Bellavia. After these charges, for which the consequences, even outside the home, are very heavy, during the last live broadcast another equally infamous one arrived of sexual harassment. Here's what happened.

Giovanni Ciacci accused of sexual violence. From who?

John Ciacci he was sitting, in last night's episode, next to Ginevra Lamborghini and Sara Manfuso. It was precisely from the latter that very heavy accusations were made against him: those of having sexually harassed her. A very uplifted Manfuso, convinced that she was not protected by anyone within the production, so he told the episode which, according to him, would be comparable to sexual harassment. These are his words:

Alfonso, you know that I have been the victim of one sexual violence. I didn't want to say it because I didn't have labels inside the house, like the panda to be protected. But a very unpleasant thing happened, and none of you protected me. The person next to me, Giovanni Ciacci, he touched my ass. Then, immediately after, he told me something serious: 'let's simulate violence, come on let's do it'. I started laughing with embarrassment, but inside I wanted to die. Nobody called me in the confessional, and you pretended nothing happened. Nobody understood my humiliation and my pain. I didn't deserve this thing.

Speech that stunned both Giovanni Ciacci and Alfonso Signorini, as well as the whole audience. THE bright tones of the girl, and the very fact of having laughed on that occasion rather than slapped for an unwelcome "touch", infuriated the conductor that has invited Manfuso to leave the studio.

Giovanni Ciacci: How did you react to the accusation of sexual harassment?

La reaction by Giovanni Giacci to these very serious accusations that would paint him, even, as a sexual offender, he really was very hard. After having listened, almost petrified, the words of the woman, he answered firmly to what had just been challenged.

No, I'm not there now. One lynching passes, but two no, that's enough. I'm not interested in your gender, and that's point one. Second, don't accuse me of violence, but are we crazy?

Meanwhile, a exonerate the man also came the video of that precise moment: you can clearly see that the two are around the table, not alone, by the way, and Ciacci apologizes to Manfuso for having inadvertently touched her butt. Followed by an exchange of very light jokes, even on concealing sexual violence to tickle the jealousy of her husband. Objectionable behavior, of course, but nothing to do with sexual harassment feared by Sara Manfuso. The video, which has become one of the most viewed on social networks, is the clearest demonstration of this.

Image Credids: Instagram profile @grandefratellotv
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Written by Patricia Maimone
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