Bimbimbici 2015 at the Mostra d'Oltremare in Naples

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With Bimbimbici 2015, children and parents can have fun with many fun activities to do by bike!

The Mostra d'Oltremare of Naples will be the location of "Bimbimbici 2015, The new fable of the bicycle", an event dedicated to all children, but also to parents who will accompany them.

Il 10 May 2015 it will therefore be one day completely dedicated to the bicycle and to the activities, playful and didactic, connected to it. Children will learn and have fun, also thanks to the presence of the exceptional godmother, the endurance cyclist Juliana Buhring, who will guide them through the avenues of the exhibition.

The meeting points

You can get to the exhibition by bike from various points in the city. Appointments are planned at 9.30 in Piazza Vittoria, in via Luca Giordano (Trony height), and in Piazza San Vitale (Fuorigrotta). From these places we will leave to go to the Mostra d'Oltremare at 10.30.

The activities

Once arrived at the park of Fuorigrotta, children can participate in many entertaining events. They can do one treasure hunt with Bikaccia organized by the associationLudobus and with final prizes for the first classified or to carry out the skill path on the Pump Truck, made available by the Napoli Pedala Association. But they will also be able to participate in GiroBimbi in which they will learn the rules of behavior for cycling and at the end of which they will receive the Bicycle License.

Finally, there will be the readings aloud "A walk through the stories", on the initiative of the Milleunastoria Association and a laboratory on the show of the Bee World, organized by the beekeeper Santina Nocerino of the beekeeping company La Fattoria Biagino.

Music and games

The day will be punctuated by the notes of the Baleno Band, which will gladden those present at the pace of a murga. It is an Argentinian dance that combines the power of percussion to the spectacle of acrobatics and choreography.
Between colors and sounds, children will continue to have fun with many other games and will be able to rest in thedining area.

The gadgets

During Bimbimbici 2015, all children will receive the t-shirt of the event, the bonnet, many gadgets, while mothers will have a mysterious gift as a gift!

Bimbimbici Information 2015

When: 10 May 2015
Where: Mostra d'Oltremare

  • 9.30 at the meeting points in Piazza Vittoria, via Luca Giordano (Trony height), Piazza San Vitale (Fuorigrotta)
  • 10.30 at the Mostra d'Oltremare
  • Prices: free event, admission to the 1 € exhibition

Info: to participate you will have to register online at the site Green cycle or in the gazebo the same morning or in the stores Leonetti toys in points of sale via Roma 350 / 351, via Luca Giordano 98, Via Crispi, 82

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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