2017 Carnival in Montesanto in Naples with workshops and fashion show

2017 Carnival in Montesanto di Naples with parade
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Creative workshops and masked parade for the 2017 Carnival in Montesanto in Naples!

The February 28 2017 at will end with a festive parade, the Montesanto Carnival, historic district of Naples that participates in numerous events of the Carnival of our city.

The theme chosen for this year is 'O bbuono is badly, that is, through social workshops organized in the Montesanto neighborhood and in the surrounding areas, children will be led to reflect on the distinction between good and bad people even if sometimes a total overturning of roles can occur.

But the workshops are an opportunity to prepare everyone together carts, masks, disguises, tools that will cheer the great final parade.

The path of the parade

The parade will start from the upper part of the Ventaglieri Park e will pass for Salita Pontecorvo, Largo Tarsia, Via Ventaglieri, Piazzetta Olivella, Piazza Montesanto, La Pignasecca, Piazza Carità, to meet with the other carnivals in the Spanish and the Quartieri Old Town and reach together Piazza del Gesù. All on the notes of the Scalzabanda. A river of participants who work every day to improve the living conditions of the suburbs.

Information on the 2017 Carnival in Montesanto

When: 28 February 2017

Where: Montesanto district

Info: facebook event

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Written by Valeria Muollo
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