Vasco Rossi and Jovanotti Concerts in Naples Traffic device

Temporary traffic dept. Vasco Rossi and Jovanotti concerts in Naples
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Temporary traffic device set up for the Vasco Rossi and Jovanotti concerts in Naples

The concerts of Vasco Rossi e Jovanotti at the San Paolo stadium in Naples they are approaching and the Municipality of Naples has instituted a temporary traffic device to allow the regular performance of the performances.

The live Vasco will be the 3 July 2015, while that of Jovanotti the 26 July and for both cases the provision will be valid.

The areas affected will be those adjacent to the Fuorigrotta stadium and, in the case of the concert of Vasco Rossi, the device will be valid until the 5 July (it started already from the 27 June).
For Jovanotti, it will be valid 21 from July to 26, until the needs related to the concert have ceased.

A real will be established red zone with prohibitions, forced removals, safety barriers, temporary signs and the presence of municipal police officers assigned to the control of the stadium gates will be guaranteed in the evenings of the concert.

To know in detail all the roads involved, the bans and the times of the provision, consult the temporary traffic device set up by the municipality.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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