Concert by Jovanotti in Naples, extraordinary races of the Metro Line 2 and ANM

Metro Line 2 Naples
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Extraordinary runs of Line 2 of the Metro and ANM are planned to facilitate the outflow at the end of the Jovanotti concert

To make the outflow of fans easier at the end of Jovanotti concert at the San Paolo stadium in Naples, they will be intensified the races of Subway 2 Line and the ANM vehicle service will be strengthened.

Trenitalia, on a mandate from the Municipality of Naples, with the authorization of the Campania Region and in agreement with ANM, will ensure that the trains circulate beyond normal service hours. ANM, instead, will integrate the Trenitalia service with its own means.

Metro Line 2

At the end of the concert there will be some extraordinary races that will leave from the Campi Flegrei station of Piazzale Tecchio towards Piazza Garibaldi / Gianturco with a frequency of about 10 minutes. All this, up to the total outflow.

As for the Pozzuoli direction, however, there are no extraordinary trips.
Naturally, you will have to be in possession of the Tickets, which will have to be validated and will be checked by railway personnel. Travel tickets can be bought at the station itself.
Finally, the Piazza Leopardi station will be closed by 23.00.


The 151 bus line will make extraordinary trips with a frequency of 10-15 minutes on the Piazzale Tecchio - Piazza Garibaldi section, starting at 01.00, to integrate the service of Line 2.
In addition, the Chiaia funicular will extend the time until 02.00 and, for those who go from Fuorigrotta to Vomero, it is possible to make the interchange with the funicular to Piazza Amedeo coming with Line 2.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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