Ctp of Naples, goodbye to buses in the city: the Municipality interrupts the contract with the company

CTP bus
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The mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, communicated through a letter sent to the Prefecture and the Campania Region, an important decision in the field of public transport in the city, or the interruption of the contract with the cTP, Or the Public Transport Company of Naples.

The buses of this company covered about 72 municipalities in the provinces of Naples and Caserta and therefore this is a major loss.

The reasons for this decision would be to be found in thedefault of the service by the company, in fact, i buses were stopped in the depots without maintenance and fuel and with expired insurance from last December 20th.

In fact the workers, over 400, have been placed this month on leave pending layoffs, in short, a truly tragic situation.

The words of Manfredi

Here's what they were the words of Manfredi, in the letter sent to communicate the decision:

The interruption of the service requires the Metropolitan City to proceed with the termination of the contract for non-fulfillment. At the outcome of this resolution, the Campania Region will have the possibility, and the burden, of adopting urgent measures to ensure the continuity of the service, probably by direct assignment to another subject after its identification.

Protest and revolt of CTP workers

Precisely for these reasons, i Ctp workers they protested by organizing a procession which made it inaccessible Piazza Garibaldi and Corso Umberto I, up to the headquarters of the former Province in Piazza Matteotti in Naples, occupying it, and staying in the structure the whole night.

The drivers have asked for help from the mayor of Naples, waving placards with written on them deliver us from the Metropolitan City. The situation is tense, especially on the issue of unpaid wages since December, which seems to be about a million euros.

Next week there will be various meetings in the prefecture and the court hearing that will make it possible to clarify, hopefully as soon as possible, this difficult situation.

Image source: National newspaper

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Written by Serena De Luca
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