CTP strike in Naples on 9 June 2016

Strike CTP Naples 9 June 2016

Also the CTP of Naples will strike and will stop for 4 hours Thursday 16 June 2016.

After the strikes of cumana and circumflegrea of ​​the month of May, also the CTP of Naples will do one strike Thursday 9 June 2016.

To communicate this, the company itself on its official website through a note informing the citizens that employees will cross their arms 9.00 - 13.00.

The strike was called by the trade unions CIGL, CISL and UIL and, as mentioned, will last 4 hours. For this reason, the service will not be guaranteed and there may be inconvenience for citizens and commuters.

The CTP has not communicated information on guaranteed hours about the first and last departures of its own means, before and after the strike, but in any case it is enough to take into account the period of time in which the buses will not circulate.

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