Dad in Campania, the Region proposes the closure of schools: that's when

Distance learning
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La Campania region made a proposal that divided many: reactivate Dad for schools from 8 December 2021 until the end of the Christmas holidays.

President De Luca is concerned by theincrease in the number of infections in compulsory school and it would be preferable for him to recover with distance learning.

The proposal was made by the vice president of the Campania Region Fulvio Bonavitacola during the State Regions Conference, but previously also the director of the centralized laboratory ofHills Company, Luigi Atripaldi, had thought of bringing forward the Christmas and New Year holidays break precisely to limit the spread of Coronavirus.

Worrying data between elementary and middle school

The President of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, fears the infections on the rise in elementary and middle schools. The virus is spreading in this age group, she says, and so shutting down for about two weeks could be a solution.

Starting from 8 December and considering the holidays of Christmas and Epiphany, in total the Dad would actually be around two weeks.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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