Hijack on Cuba in concert in Naples at Arenile Reload

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Directed on Cuba in concert with Arenile Reload of Naples

The Dirotta su Cuba concert inaugurates the winter season of concerts at Arenile Reload

The next November 9, 2013 will start winter session ofArenile Reload, the winter season of concerts that will be inaugurated with the band's live Directed on Cuba.

The musical group founded in Florence has more than ten years of career, studded with successes known to the public as the song Jealousy (1994) Free of Free from (1995) That's how it went, presented at the Sanremo Festival in 1997 e Summer nights (2000). In 2008 the group also revisited some of the most beautiful songs of Italian music in a funk key, such as Some nights, the sky in a room e My band plays rock.

I Directed on Cuba are the undisputed protagonists ofItalian acid jazz & funky, composed by Rossano Gentili, Stefano De Donato and the singer Simona Bencinthe. The band moved away from the scene from 2009 to 2012, only to return to prominence in the summer of 2012 with the single electro-funk. Reason or feeling.

In the 2013 they publish the two new single To be or not to be e passwords, always in the name of funk and kick off a brand new tour with a stop at the prestigious EstFestival Jazz in Lugano in Switzerland.

Information on the Dirotta di Cuba concert

When: 9 November 2013 21 hours: 30
Price tickets: 12 including pre-sales euros; at the 15 euro box office
Where: Arenile Reload, via Coroglio 14
Info and contacts: Official site Arenile Reload

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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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