The latest updates

Cinema in celebration 2023, cinema returns to 3,50 euros in September
Near Naples and throughout Italy

Summer Cinema in Naples
Open-air cinema 2023 in Naples: here are the scheduled screenings
Near Naples

Summer at Corte 2023 in the Quartieri Spagnoli, program of screenings and prices
Near Naples, Quartieri Spagnoli

Summer Cinema in Naples
Ischia Film Festival: the inauguration at the Aragonese Castle
At Aragonese Castle, Ischia

The Agorà San Sebastiano al Vesuvio review is back: scheduled films
At the Municipality of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio

Free films by Wim Wenders in Naples for the May of Monuments
At Cinema Modernissimo and Cinema America Hall, Naples

Beyond the Screen: Bagnoli hosts a review of eight films that celebrate Naples and its role in the cinema
At the Bagnoli Auditorium “Porta del Parco” - Via Diocleziano, 341