Is Federica Pellegrini pregnant? The former swimmer reveals the truth

Matteo Giunta and Federica Pellegrini
Image source: Instagram profile Federica Pellegrini (@kikkafede88)

Four months after her wedding with Matteo Giunta, for which she retired from competitive swimming, rumors continue to chase each other about an alleged pregnancy of Federica Pellegrini. In the last few hours, however, the champion has broken the silence with a photo on Instagram: here's what she said.

No pregnancy in sight for Federica Pellegrini, who got married four months ago with Matteo Giunta after retiring from competitive swimming and giving the Italians one last dream winning the last 200 meters of his career at the Absolute Winter Championships in Riccione.

This was revealed by the champion herself with one photo his instagram, in which it is shown in a bars in Verona (where the couple has been living together for years) and holding a cocktail which it appears to be very alcoholic:

“Only barmen know the truth”

A detail, therefore, that seems to leave no room for doubt, given that as we know, the pregnant women cannot drink alcohol what if Federica Pellegrini he drinks it, it means that for the moment there are no babies in progress.

Federica Pellegrini and her dream “I would like to…”

It's true, Federica Pellegrini and Matteo Giunta they would like to expand the family and have never hidden it, but as revealed by the Divine in one recent interview given to La Repubblica, for the time being it's not their priority:

“There are too many commitments and projects to carry out. For example, I'd like to found a swimming academy for the very young with Giunta."

The two got married on August 27, 2022. For years they kept their love hidden, until the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, when they made their relationship official and Federica Pellegrini also announced his own retirement from competitive swimming.

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Written by Frances Orelli
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