Forte Vigliena, June 11 meeting on the history and future of Naples EST

Fort Vigliena in San Giovanni a Teduccio

THE11 June 2023 10:00, the Vigliena Fort it will become the scene of an event which wants to be a bridge between the past, the present and the future of Naples.
In fact, the meeting is dedicated to memory of those who fought for freedom and emancipation, and also want to be a moment of reflection on the need to recover e improve the monument and the entire eastern area of ​​the city.

Forte Vigliena: a monument, a story

Forte Vigliena brings with it an episode of great importance in the history of Naples. 13 June 1799, the fortress was the scene of a hard clash between the supporters of the Parthenopean Republic and the Sanfedist forces of the cardinale ruff. Besieged and hit by intense artillery fire, the fort, defended by about one hundred and fifty men, saw the sacrifice of the priest of Corigliano Calabro, Antonio Toscani, who decided to set fire to the powder, causing his death and that of most of the defenders and attackers.

This historical event, dramatic and powerful, left an indelible mark over time and in the heart of Naples. Today, the need for a conservative recovery of Forte Vigliena is felt as a duty of respect towards that past of struggle and courage.

Guests and interventions

The meeting will be attended by numerous illustrious guests, who will give their contribution of ideas and reflections.
Between these:

  • Prof. Sergio Marotta
  • Enzo Morreale
  • Dr. G. Daniele
  • Prof. Renata De Lorenzo
  • Prof. Fulvia Fascia
  • dr. Father Fierro
  • Dr. A. Fucito

Still awaiting an official response from the Municipality of Naples on the presence of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

They will also be present representatives of many associations, which will bring the voice of civil society and contribute to the reflection on the importance of recovery of Fort Vigliena and the enhancement of the eastern area of ​​Naples.

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  • Where: Fort Vigliena
  • When: Sunday 11 June 2023, from 10:00 to 12:00
  • Price: the event is free
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