Francesca Michielin responds to criticism on the physical aspect: what happened

Francesca Michielin
Image source: Instagram profile Francesca Michielin (@francesca_michielin)

After Jolanda Renga, also Francesca Michielin, one of the great excluded from Sanremo 2023, responds to the haters, but she doesn't go so subtle. Here's what she told them in one of the latest videos posted on TikTok.

Twist: too Francesca Michielin, so gentle and calm, can get angry and become one fury on social media! That's what he did just now on his TikTok profile where, in a long outburst, took it out on the haters who have the habit of attacking thephysical aspect of a person.

In the video, in which she showed herself without makeup and with a lot of acne well in evidence, the singer and presenter of the latest edition of X Factor thundered:

“I'm full of all these phrases like: 'But what are all these pimples', 'Tell the truth, you're eating rubbish these days, I bet', 'Are you crazy to lift those weights in the gym? Watch that you get bigger', 'I see you a little too thin', 'But you eat right?' or ' Am I wrong or are you on diets during this time? No because it seems to me that you eat a bang, you really don't miss anything', 'Look, to do your job, the image is fundamental'. “But how that one has gotten fat oh', 'But it won't be possible to reduce ourselves like this'. These are all unsolicited comments but above all they are not true because we have no knowledge of the path of the person we are facing, we are not doctors, dieticians, personal trainers, endocrinologists.

Francesca Michielin, the explosion on TikTok "Social media has led us to have an opinion on everything"

Strong words, but not as much as those who said later and in which, in addition to criticize the wrong way to use social media, said (in no uncertain terms) that people are no longer able to get ic…them:

“Social media has led us to have an opinion on everything, indeed they lead us to comment on anything even if it is not required of us. We are all convinced that we have the truth in our pockets, we have stopped trusting and relying on competent people, but above all we no longer know how to mind our own business. Let's try to do an exercise all together, before commenting on the physical aspect or any characteristic of a person, let's stop for a moment, ask ourselves why we should comment on it and above all if we would do something useful by commenting on it. I assure you that by doing this type of reasoning, one soon realizes that commenting on the body of others, the physical condition of others is useless, on the contrary, often the other person can be very hurt. And a person doesn't always lose weight or gain weight for purely aesthetic reasons, on the contrary, be kind."

Francesca Michielin it is only the latest in a very long series of VIPs, and not, which has been victim of body shaming. For the uninitiated, body shaming is the practice of attacking a person, especially online, for their own physical aspect.

Before her, to fall prey to this type of bullying, as regards the young singers, had been Jolanda Renga, daughter of Francesco Renga and Ambra Angiolini, who however, unlike her more famous colleague, had silenced the haters with a very intelligent answer and which had also been applauded by her dad.

It is also true however that, when one is victims of constant attacks, you can even lose your temper and send everyone to hell and without using a diplomatic tone, as happened in Francesca Michielin.

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Written by Frances Orelli
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