GF Vip 7: Luca Onestini VS Soleil Sorge, the final showdown

Luca Onestini VS Soleil Rises
Image source: Instagram profile Big Brother Vip (@grandefratellotv)

Bad surprise for Soleil Sorge in the house of GF Vip 7: during her confrontation with her ex-boyfriend Luca Onestini, she sees her "same medicine" served on a silver platter, which does not allow her to start with her monologues . In the end, the influencer finds himself speechless and, while Onestini leaves the studio to applause, throws him a super dig "Ah, anyway, Cristina greets you".

Un face to face comparison which, in the end, he saw Luca Onestini emerge victorious. Monday 2st January, During the first episode of GF Vip of 2023, Alfonso Signorini, after the new allegations of Soleil Rises to the ex boyfriend (he said, down to earth, that he is a manipulator), he decided to temporarily release theex tronista of Men and Women from the house of GF Vip 7 and to invite him to the studio to give him the opportunity to defend himself against the words of the Italian-American.

However, as soon as Sorge begins with the phrase "He has always played the usual acrobats in every reality show", Luca Onestini replies using the same "medicine" of his ex-girlfriend, telling her bluntly:

“Acrobats? Look, 'acrobats' is not Italian”

The influencer tries to catch up, telling him not to interrupt her, then adds:

“It's useless for you to interrupt me, you're tired of this little game you play in every reality show, you're a manipulator. I don't think I'm so indifferent to you, meanwhile Love don't call me, but call me liana so I've given you a chance to emerge."

GF Vip 7, Luca Onestini is a flood against Soleil Sorge

Luca Onestin however, by now, he knows the games and plots of his ex-girlfriend well, and in fact, when Signorini asks him the reasons for these frictionhe confidently replies:

“It was 2017, I was in the house and it betrays me, I accept it and forget it completely and I never mentioned it again, instead it is she who keeps talking about me. For me she doesn't exist."

That being said,ex tronista of Men and Women leaves the studio to applause, but Soleil Rises, although in obvious difficulty, tries to have the last word:

“I'll use the same words you use with Nikita: you're a dangerous liar. It wasn't me who betrayed him first, you bought followers and your family tried to buy them from me, I discovered thousands of things before I entered… ah and anyway, Cristina greets you. ”

Alfonso Signorini, at that point, he asks Sorge lumi about this phantom woman, but she niches and limits herself to saying:

"I'll tell you later"

Luca Onestini, who is the Cristina named by Soleil Sorge?

Soleil Rises she did a lot of mystery about this "Cristina", but we, thanks to the gossip pages, were able to trace her identity.

It is Christina Porta, another former girlfriend of Luca Onestini, which in recent days has launched heavy charges right against the former tronista of Men and women.

Luke and Christine they would have met in Spain, on the occasion of another reality show, Secret Story, won by Onestini. The two parted very badly and, in fact, Porta launched others very serious allegations during another Spanish reality show in which the brother of Luca, Gianmarco:

“Very serious things have happened, I haven't reported him but I have proof. Help your brother who, poor thing, is not well! I loved your brother more than myself! I had very serious problems with Luca. Have I told anyone about it? No, with nobody. I have not denounced it, nor have I told it publicly. I have proof of everything."

We don't know what these are serious things in which he apparently became involved Luca Onestin, but one thing is certain: except for Ivan Mrazova, known precisely during the GF Vip of 2017 and to which he remained attached for almost five years, theformer tronista he's always had a lot of bad luck with women.

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Written by Frances Orelli
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