GF VIP, between Pamela Prati and Patrizia Rossetti it's war: what happens

GF Vip 7 episode 24 October 2022

Puntata movimentata quella di lunedì 24 ottobre 2022: Pamela Prati e Patrizia, durante la diretta del GF Vip 7, non hanno perso l’occasione per stuzzicarsi e, poco dopo, è andato in scena lo scontro, dove sono volate parole grosse e insulti!

What between Pamela Prati e Patrizia Rossetti there was a tender in place to obtain the title of prima donna of Big Brother Vip it was already understood, but last night, during the new live broadcast of the reality show, not only if they are sung and played to each other, but they have also come to contact very heavy words and insults on your body!

It all started with Rossetti, who call in the confessional with Prati to comment on the evening and after paraded wearing special clothes (challenge that was won by Prati), made a decidedly not very nice comment on the Roman showgirl:

"Pamela, move, you also have the c ... plate!"

Pamela Prati e Patrizia Rossetti, è scontro all’ultimo sangue al GF Vip 7!

Pamela Prati, obviously, did not remain silent, rather, he jumped at the opportunity to reply:

"Well, yours is full of cellulite!"

Not only: the two women, albeit in a calm way, they then continued the fight during last night's episode 24 October 2022 in front of all his teammates, with Prati increasing the dose, saying to Rossetti:

"Leave me alone, you are the diva of the pots!"

To which Rossetti, as a good Tuscan, did not miss the opportunity for replicate blow for blow to the showgirl's offenses:

“I have not done this for years, if you are not informed, please do not speak. Being a diva is a question of personality, mine wanted to be a joke that was not understood. "

La Prati, however, is not there to be cornered and replies again:

"I'm not a diva, I am"

Atilius Romita, following the clash between the two prima donnas, he couldn't help but comment in an amused tone:

"Well, now I can say that I am an eyewitness to the fact that Pamela's c ... is not touched!"

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Image credits: videoframe GF Vip 7 episode of 24 October 2022
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Written by Frances Orelli
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