GF VIP, Ciacci and Lamborghini threatened with death after the exit

Giovanni Ciacci during a training session

John Ciacci he was one of the strongest-looking competitors inside the house. All this before the huge slip linked to bullying against Marco Bellavia, cost him theelimination.

The last days away from the house, however, have not been easy, in fact Ciacci, according to what he says, is insulted on the street, on social media and beyond. A very serious episode in the supermarket and, icing on the cake, death threats for him and for the family.

And he is not the only one to suffer these attacks, with daily insults also on social channels.

Giovanni Ciacci, "They spat in my face"

That public opinion had not taken well the bullying behavior that many tenants of the GF VIP, including Giovanni Ciacci, had reserved for Marco Bellavia it was clear to everyone. But even those directly involved, in all probability, would never have imagined with which one anger and contempt they should have confronted each other once you leave the house more spied on than Cinecittà.

To confess it is precisely John Ciacci who, in the studio during the last episode of GF VIP, admitted he was heavily insulted, attacked and threatened, even with death.

They spat on me in the supermarket and I received death threats from both me and my family.

Then it continues

Even in the company where I work, the same threats have come. It was three days of hell!

More than a thousand emails reached Giovanni Ciacci's employers asking for his dismissal in the trunk. Behaviors that in the studio they received the firm condemnation of all because such an attitude is not acceptable: Signorini acknowledged that the competitors made a mistake, but they also, in most cases, understood the mistake.

Geneva Lamborghini, very serious threats for her too

A suffer death threats and retaliation now that she has been banned from reality TV, again for bullying a Marco Bellavia, is also Geneva Lamborghini. The girl, and some of her family members, were also heavily insulted, especially on social media.

Now I understand how Marco feels!

These are the words spoken in the studio, concluding:

Bullying is not fought with more bullying!

Image Credids: Instagram profile @giovanniciacci
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Written by Patricia Maimone
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