Isola dei Famosi, previews 8 May. Who goes out, guests, surprises

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The reality show Island of the Famous is enjoying enormous success among the public, convincing even the skeptics. The show, conducted by Ilary Blasi, is now in the heat of challenges, with celebrities engaged in extreme adventures, the imposing nature and the struggle for survival.

The new episode will air tonight, Monday 8 May 2023.

Fourth episode: who is in televoting and who will come out?

After the release of Marco Predolin (reason for abandonment) to Claudia Motta (reason for abandonment) e l’esilio di Nathaly Caldonazzo su un’altra isola, ben tre concorrenti si trovano al televoto: Cristina Scuccia, Christopher Leoni e Andrea Lo Cicero. Who will be eliminated and will reach Caldonazzo on the island of Sant'Elena? And what surprises await us in this episode?

Cristina Scuccia favorite, Leoni and Lo Cicero at risk of elimination

The first polls published on the website indicate that the public would like to salvare Cristina Scuccia, l’ex suora divenuta celebre grazie a The Voice, con oltre il 50% di preferenze. Il restante si concentra su Christopher Leoni e Andrea Lo Cicero che sono, dunque, a rischio eliminazione: chi dei due dovrà lasciare l’isola?

Andrea Lo Cicero exiled with Nathaly Caldonazzo?

Many believe that he will have to leave Andrew Lo Cicero, but in this case the sportsman will even have to end up on the island together with his own bitter enemy. We remember, in fact, that Nathaly Caldonazzo before being moved, alone, to the island of Sant'Elena she had given the judas kiss ad Andrea Lo Cicero che, comunque, aveva ricambiato più volte il suo non apprezzamento.

Surprise for Noise and Mazzoli: the wives arrive

In evening, March Mazzoli e Paolo noise they will receive an unexpected and welcome event when their brides they will come to Cayo Cochinos. TvBlog he revealed that Stephanie Pittalunga e Stephanie Caroli have already left for theHonduras.

Stephanie Pittaluga will travel onisola With the purpose of surprise his husband Marco and snatch the promise of a wedding very traditional, staring intently into the eyes. All this will happen without that Bouquets and its companions they know nothing of adventure.

In parallel, too Stephanie Caroli, Wife of Paolo noise, will be present on theisola. She will travel in Honduras to bring a present to her husband and to personally make sure of hers health conditions, after the illness that struck him in the previous days, Fortunately now outdated.

Who are the guests of tonight May 8th?

In studio ci sarà nuovamente Carlo Motta con una sorpresa per la sua fidanzata Helena. Non sappiamo ancora di cosa si tratti.

In the last episode, the arrival of Asia Argento brought joy and food to the castaways (winning the race) and the boyfriend of Helena Prester. Who will be the new host to surprise the competitors?

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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