Campania enters the orange zone: the region changes color

Minister Roberto Speranza
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The passage of Campania in the orange area has been confirmed after monitoring the infections: the English variant of the virus is worrying.

Campania is one of the regions that passes from the yellow zone to the orange zone from Sunday 21 February 2021 due to the increase in Coronavirus infections and the spread of disturbing English variant in the last weeks.

Today February 19 the Minister Speranza communicated the new ordinance where the passage of Molise and Emilia Romagna in the orange zone is also foreseen.

In our region, the increase in infections has been constant for a few weeks, while the national RT has been above 1 for about 3 weeks, so it has passed the safety threshold.

In addition, as mentioned, the so-called English variant of the virus worries a lot because it has a contagiousness of about 38% higher to the "original" coronavirus.

The control room that carries out the monitoring, therefore, today communicated the decisions relating to the individual regions and Campania passes into the orange zone.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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