The Cantata of the shepherds at the Teatro Politeama in Naples for Christmas 2019
At the Politeama Theater in Naples an appointment that has been renewed for over forty years with the Cantata dei Pastori by Peppe Barra for Christmas 2019!
Also this year the traditional appointment with the Cantata dei Pastori which will be staged at Teatro Politeama di Napoli for Christmas, from Wednesday 18 to Sunday 29 December 2019.
The Cantata dei Pastori was born from an idea by Peppe Barra and Paolo Memoli, it is a re-adaptation of the sacred play written by Andrea Perrucci. The opera, a text from Jesuit theater, tells of the long and tortuous journey traveled by Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem and all the obstacles they had to overcome before arriving in the cave of the Nativity.
Peppe Barra the director of the show also becomes the protagonist playing Razzullo, a still-hungry scribe sent to Palestine for the census, with him there will be Rosalia Porcaro in the role of Sarchiapone, a former mad barber on the run from two murders he committed, and many other characters.
Information on the Cantata dei Pastori 2019
When: from 18 to 29 December 2019
Where: Politeama Theater of Naples, in Via Monte di Dio 80
Hours: 21 hours: 00, Sunday hours 18: 00
1 Armchair and Boxes Level 38,00 euro
2 ° and 3 ° stages 28,00 level euro