The Cantata dei Pastori by Peppe Barra at the Teatro Trianon in Naples

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modified poster of the shepherd's cantata at the trianon theater in naples

Also this year the famous Cantata dei Pastori by Peppe Barra returns, with the famous characters of Razzullo and Sarchiapone


The days Friday 27, Saturday 28, and Sunday 29 December Replicas of the show will not take place due to technical reasons and the 21.00 replica of 6 January will also be canceled. It will be possible to recover the three evenings in the days 10, and 11 12 January. Those who have already bought the tickets will be able to get a refund or reconvert them to use them for new dates.

La Cantata dei Pastori is a classic of the Christmas holidays and the version that every year proposes Peppe Barra is definitely a masterpiece that should not be lost, at least once in a lifetime.

And also this year the usual appointment at the Trianon Theater of the historic center of Naples with this fantastic work. The version of Peppe Barra presents the classic storyline of the Cantata, but with the distinct innovative and comic note typical of the great Neapolitan actor.

The story, created in the second half of the seventeenth century and which has undergone various changes over the centuries, tells the journey that Mary and Joseph undertake to reach Bethlehem. During their journey they are forced to overcome many pitfalls posed above all by the Devils, whose purpose is to prevent the birth of the baby Jesus.
Thanks to the help of AngelsHowever, the couple can easily conclude their journey and ensure that the classic adoration of shepherds, hunters and fishermen can take place.

One of the characters in the performance, who manages to give a comic tone to the story, is the famous Razzullo, companion of Giuseppe and Maria and always hungry.
In the 700s, then, the story was modified with the introduction of another comic character: the famous sarchiapone. Sought after having committed two murders, Sarchiapone has assumed over time the connotations of a grotesque and disheveled man and the numerous skits that see him involved with Razzullo can only amaze and entertain the spectator.

In his annual performance at the Trianon, Peppe Barra plays the role of the scribe Razzullo, managing to give a dignity and an important role to a character that over time was losing its centrality. Not only that, the maestro Barra, with his Cantata, is able to express at best the deep relationship that the Neapolitans have with the sacred and profane, offering every year an unmissable appointment with one of the most beautiful works of the southern theatrical tradition.

Information on La Cantata dei Pastori

When: from the 25 December 2013 to the 6 January 2014.
Update: cancel the 27, 28 and 29 December dates and the 21.00 6 hours of January. The new dates are as follows:

  • 10 January 21.00 hours
  • 11 January 21.00 hours
  • 12 January 18.00 hours

Where: Trianon Theater, Piazza Vincenzo Calenda 9

  • stage I-II row: 26.50 €
  • armchair: 31.50 €
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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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