Zeno's consciousness staged at the Teatro Stabile di Napoli

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A scene from the show "The consciousness of Zeno" at the Teatro Stabile in Naples

On stage at the Teatro Mercadante the theatrical adaptation of the novel by Italo Svevo "The conscience of Zeno"

Zeno's conscience is undoubtedly one of the most important novels of the 900th century, not catalogable either as a novel of plot or action, but of psychological introspection, written in autobiographical form by Italo Svevo in 1923.

To carry out the arduous task of making the literary work a theatrical performance is the director Maurizio Scaparro which, for the staging, is inspired by the text reworked by Tullio Kezich. In the role of the protagonist there will be Giuseppe Pambieri, one of the most versatile actors of the Italian theater. On stage from 18 to 23 March at the Teatro Stabile in Naples (Teatro Mercadante).

In a cosmopolitan and mercantile Trieste, between the end of the Belle Epoque and the First World War, we follow the vicissitudes of Zeno Cosini, a man who through several psychoanalytic sessions, evokes its memories and the salient moments of his life, trying to focus on the origins of his malaise, which lead him to feel unfit for life and "sick", fragile and incapable in the face of the changes to which he is subjected.

Scene of the show by Maurizio Scaparro Zeno's conscience at the Mercadante theater in Naples

He will therefore remember, in the smallest details, events such as the death of his father, the unrequited love for a girl, the makeshift marriage with her sister, the rivalry with his brother-in-law Guido, who dies suicide, the extra-marital relationship with Carla, in an attempt to find the reasons for his inner crisis, which also causes him many tics and neuroses.

Ma Zeno Cosini he is also able to maintain an ironic and detached attitude towards life that will allow him to affirm that

to understand it better and, therefore, to grow, and to pronounce the beautiful and disturbing final monologue on the ferocity and uselessness of that war that would soon revolutionize everything.

Information on the show Zeno's conscience

When: from the 18 23 March 2014
Price tickets: from 9,50 to 29 euro (official website of the Teatro Stabile di Napoli)
Where: Stable Theater of Naples, 1 Town Hall Square

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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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