The Geometry of the Subtracted on stage in Naples, at the George Best Music & Football

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On stage at the George Best Music & Football in Naples an indie comic show, irreverent, totally over the top

Il George Best Music & Football, located in vico Quercia, in the historic center of Naples, will host an extravagant and irreverent show that mixes theater, poetry, music and comedy.

La Geometry of the Subtracted, this is the title of the performance, is conceived and interpreted by Massimiliano Mazzei e Francesco Bove, with the purpose of “Favoring social policies aimed at integrating the paying public into the world”.

The curious show is aimed at "50 spectators ambosessi to be entertained with a repertoire of comic poems, Shakespearean translations in the various Campania dialects, film recommendations, artistic performances bordering on good taste. "

Spectators who are "urgently sought" by the authors of the show as if they were real professional "resources" “They will be placed on seats made of polymeric material in the time slot 21.30 - 23.30; courtesy, inclination to smile and the ability to establish a non-conflictual relationship with the neighbor in the chair is required ".

Furthermore, the official statement continues, “Candidates are not required to have any qualifications, but a predisposition to mobility is required. Through theoretical-practical learning workshops, the resource will become familiar with the tools and methods to best perform their job. The contractual conditions offered will certainly be of interest ".

Age included? Between 18 and 99 years old

Starting at 21 (on 5 February) until the start of the show, it will be possible to use, inside the George Best Music & Football, Of a consultation of honest and free cartomancy on love, money, work, luck, future and interpretation of dreams by the undersigned while, instead, Massimiliano will create "ad personam" poems after investigating your personality with special paranormal techniques that he and a few others have. It's all true, there are no tricks.

For reservations send an email with the subject "cartomancy and poetic consultation" to and, in the message, your name and surname and arrival time.

Information on the show The Geometry of the Subtracted

When: Thursday 5 February 21 hours
Price tickets: 3 €
Where: George Best Music & Football in Vico Primo Quercia, n.3, Naples

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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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