Meloni saves Serie A: fiscal peace in 60 installments at 0 interest

Soccer ball on a sports field

In the midst of the scandal involving the Juventus, the Meloni Government had to intervene with the amendment to the Aid Decree quater to allow Serie A, Serie B and Serie C companies not to pay taxes immediately, due with expires on December 22nd, but rather to be able to postpone them.

A real 60-month loan which allows teams to postpone payments of taxes without paying any penalty: zero interest on amounts of hundreds of millions of euros.

No penalties, no interest. An advantage to which no citizen has ever been able to gain access, but when it comes to millions of euros everything becomes easier.

How much are football's debts to the Italian tax authorities?

Ben 500 million euro those due to the tax authorities, 500 million euros which will involve less investment by the Government in a period of very high crisis, after the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Of these, 380 million are from Serie A, while 90 are from Serie B e 30 of Serie C.

To date they have not been paid, probably because the Italian football clubs already knew that the deadline of December 22nd would be extended.

The privilege of zero interest: a mirage for citizens

And it is precisely a matter of privilege when it comes to paying off a debt of this magnitude over 60 months, that is well 5 years. All considering that it is about payables for IRPEF and contributions, or that type of debt with the Italian tax authorities where any other company is subject to very heavy penalties.

An advantage due, according to the Italian Government, following the lockdowns and the limitations of the Covid-19, which had led the companies to a drop in revenue. Unfortunately, no citizen, theater or cinema will be able to access this advantage.

Only football.

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