Macbeth by Shakespeare on stage at the Teatro Mercadante in Naples, directed by Luca De Fusco
An engaging and visionary staging of Shakespeare's Macbeth at the Teatro Mercadante in Naples
Al Stable Theater of Naples, especially in the splendid hall of the Teatro Mercadante, will go on stage, from 26 October to 13 November 2016, one of the most famous and classic works of William Shakespeare: Macbeth.
In the four hundredth year of the death of one of the greatest writers of all time, the director Luca De Fusco, director of the Teatro Stabile di Napoli, has realized a visionary and engaging staging of the shorter Shakespearean tragedy that embodies the craving for power and its dangers.
In this version of the Macbeth Shakespeare will attend one contamination between genres and artistic styles, as theater, dance, music, video installations, which will underline the most fantastic and unreal elements and moments of the work, such as the appearance of the witches, the ghost of Banquo, the sleepwalking of Lady Macbeth. All set in an atmosphere suspended between the Middle Ages and the early twentieth century, without setting the text in a very specific era.
Luca De Fusco was inspired, in this original scenic writing, to Freud's interpretation of Macbeth, who held that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are one person, and to the intuition of the American literary critic Harold Bloom, which claims that that the Macbeth is set in the protagonist's head.
In short, the Macbeth which will be held at the Mercadante Theater, and which has already been presented at the Napoli Teatro Festival Italia 2016, will be an unmissable opportunity to attend an unprecedented and interesting reading of a classic and universal work, which marked the history of world dramaturgy.
Information on Macbeth at the Mercadante Theater
When: from 26 October to 13 November 2016
Price tickets: from 9,50 to 29 euro
Where: Stable Theater of Naples, Piazza Municipio
More information on the official website of the Teatro Stabile di Napoli