Are Martina Strazzer and Pietro Morello together? The scoop

Martina Strazzer and Pietro Morello

Valentine's Day is still two weeks away, but love already seems in the air for Martina Strazzer e Peter Morello: the two tiktokers, and it's not even the first time, have been pinched together hand in hand on the streets of Turin.

Tomorrow is the first day of February and, as we know, during the month of February not only Carnival is celebrated, but also one of the most romantic anniversaries on the calendar: Valentine's day!

However for Martina Strazzer e Peter Morello it seems that Cupid knocked on the door long before February 14, because the two creators (and it is not even the first time) have been pinched together by Webboh! as they strolled, hand in hand, through the streets of Torino.

Martina Strazzer e Peter Morello, is a new couple born?

The two appeared very close and, from what he reported Webboh!, a new couple seems to have been born. Good news, in short, if we consider that 2022 was theyear of the couple broke out.

What do you think of Martina Strazzer e Peter Morello? Do you like them together? We do, and we can't wait to find out if, from this union, a collaboration like the one between the Me against you.

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Written by Frances Orelli
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