Morgan criticizes Mengoni: harsh words for the winning song of Sanremo


La song di Mengoni is making everyone dream, with its meaning and its touching text. But apparently not all of them. The former X Factor coach Morgan he expressed his judgment critical of the song presented by Marco Mengoni, "Due Vite". Live on YouTube, the Bluvertigo singer-songwriter criticized the lack of artistic value of the piece, calling it a "song” nonsense poetic and cognitive tools.

Morgan has stated that many of the songs presented in Sanremo are nothing more than "messages" passed off as songs, that they lack beauty and of poetry. According to him, the song di Mengoni it does not have the necessary tools to be defined as such, and represents only an attempt by someone who has no knowledge of music, chords, melody and arrangement.

Morgan continued his criticism, stating that Mengoni's song was brought to success only thanks to its popularity, and that in general the songs today are all empty. According to Morgan, “Superheroes” by Mr. Rai it was a banal, artificial and obscene song, without any value.

Because they think they are making a work of art when in reality they are not. They write their messages 'look at six you called me, we met yesterday and I want to see you again' and pass these lyrics off as songs. Then they sing these lyrics that look like messages with emphasis, but they don't make poetic sense. There is no beauty. I don't think this is a song of his, but it's a ditty from someone who auditions, but can't write songs. La Donna Cannone, but also Losing Love, which is not a masterpiece, are songs. But here we are not in the ambit of the song. We are under the attempt. This is an attempt by someone who doesn't have the cognitive tools to be able to make a song. Someone who doesn't know music, chords and melody, doesn't know poetry and arrangement and does whatever stuff.

But this stuff is carried in the palm of the hand because he is famous and Mengoni has a beautiful voice. Then he knows how to interpret stuff that is nothing. His sounds like a song and people believe it. By dint of this, everything leveled off. By now the songs are all empty and that's why we no longer notice that the chords aren't there.

Mr rai superheroes? The song is nothing short of rhetorical. Perhaps it is too much to say that it is rhetorical. I'd say it's trivial. No, not even the children amazed me. It was all artificial stuff. It was an artificial nothing guys. Text and content? Obscene

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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