Naples: the world of nails and aesthetics arrives at the Mostra d'Oltremare

Passionate about nails, polish, nail art, aesthetics and beauty products, this is the event for you!

From the 24 26 May both at Mostra d'Oltremare of Naples will be held NAES 2013: Nailing & Aestetica Shopping, a mega appointment with the world of beauty shopping, which will include exhibitors, large and small companies, laboratories open to all and points in which to carry out “free trials” of products in the cosmetics sector in a single weekend.

In a real shopping center set up in the exhibition pavilions, i nail express where to undergo all the innovations in the sector, applying gel casting, semi-permanent polish, French manicure, and, if satisfied, buy the products just tested.

Aesthetic Nail Art Exhibition overseas

The aim of the fair is to raise awareness of brands in the world of cosmetics by advertising their products "live", which the consumer can try and evaluate with their own hands.

For the occasion, many companies will sell cosmetics, creams, oils, equipment, hair products, at reduced and exclusive prices for the event. How to miss?

Information on the NAES 2013 event: Nailing & Aestetica Shopping:

Date: from 24 to 26 May

Price tickets:

Where: Mostra d'Oltremare of Naples, viale Kennedy, 54, Naples (Google Maps)

For all the info on the companies involved in the NAES 2013 Fair visit the official website.


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