Peter Brook at the San Carlo for Naples Theater festival with a free lesson on Shakespeare

For the Naples Theater Festival Peter Brook will hold an open lecture on Shakespeare at the Foyer of the Teatro San Carlo.
On June 11, 2017 for the review Naples Theater Festival the famous playwright Peter Brook land a lesson on Shakespeare at the Foyer del Teatro San Carlo entitled Atelier. The meeting by the duration of 90 minutes is open to all and will be held in English with simultaneous translation into Italian.
Inside the lesson-meeting Brooks will lead the audience in one retrospective about his life and the effort he has made for "to translate for the audience the universal sense of an author who is the greatest exponent of the theatrical West"Thus explaining his own research whose purpose is the creation of communicative energy starting fromexpressiveness of the actors, from the movement of bodies and impressions created with acting.
Biography of Peter Brook
Peter Brook is an English playwright, currently director of the Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord in Paris, and represents the point of reference for all Shakespearean directors. Born in London in the 1925, he became director of the Covent Garden Theater in London, barely twenty years old, but he soon abandoned this task to compare himself with a director of both Elizabethan classical theater and contemporary authors, working with the greatest English actors of the time.
Become famous internationally with the Titus Andronicus in the 1955 and from there begins an expressive search made up of improvisation and creativity that he also carries out thanks to the relationship with others European theater schools, like that of Jerzi Grotowski.