The Pulcinella Music Festival 2016 in Acerra with Clementino and Max Gazzè

Pulcinella Music Festival 2016 in Acerra

Pulcinella Music Festival: three days of concerts in Acerra with free admission to the enchanting location of the Baronial Castle

Il 23, 24 and 25 September 2016 the Pulcinella Music Festival will be hosted at Acerra, free entry for this event of Italian music protagonist in the historic center, at the Baronial Castle.

From the September 23 there will be three concerts, in three different evenings, of great Italian artists: the 23 Clementino, the 24 Max Gazzè and for the last concert on September 25th Ron and Michele Zarrillo. Three days of pure Italian music in Acerra, four great singers of Italian music will perform in Piazza Calipari in front of a large crowd.

Therefore an opportunity not to be missed to experience three days of fun in between music of the Italian tradition and completely different sounds and styles of these important Italian guests. The concerts will be ad free entry and they will start at 21.00.

About Pulcinella Music Festival

Where: Piazza Calipari, Market Area - Acerra
When: 23, 24 and 25 September 2016
Working time: 21.00 hours
Entrance: Loano train station
Info and contacts: Facebook page of the Pulcinella Music Festival

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