Tournament of Kendo and Iaido 2016 in Acerra with the martial arts of the Samurai

national tournament of kendo and iaido in naples

The national tournament of Kendo and Iaido will take place in Acerra, in the province of Naples, with over one hundred athletes coming from all over Italy!

Il And 10 11 December 2016 will be held ad Acerra, in the province of Naples, the national tournament of Kendo and Iaido 2016. For the second time the Neapolitan city is the protagonist of the great event, now in its 36th edition. On the first day the Iaido championships will take place, while on the second there will be the Kendo competitions.

At the competitions they will participate over one hundred athletes and an audience from all over Italy is expected. An opportunity not to be missed, therefore, for fans of ancient Japanese fighting techniques and the "katana". Kendo and Iaido are there martial arts of the Samurai, strongly influenced by teachings of Zen.

Lo Iaido is to rely onart of drawing the sword, but it literally means "way of the union of being". The ultimate goal of this discipline, in fact, is the perfect and harmonic union with oneself and with the Universe.

Il kendo, "The path of the sword“, He studies the same tactics used for nearly a thousand years by Japanese warriors. The tournament is a free entry.

Information on the national Kendo and Iaido tournament

When: 10 and 11 December 2016

Dove: Liceo De Liguori, via Stendardo 90/92, Acerra (Na)

Clockwise: 10 December hours 16 | 11 December 10 hours

Price: free entry 

Info and contacts: Facebook event 

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